
07/06/2014 – Licola (Na)

Following an aggression and theft of the vehicle, the son of our client called the Operations Centre to notify the event. Via the satellite system, the operator of the Operations immediately located the position of the vehicle, informing the Police of this. The vehicle was found shortly afterwards by the Carabinieri at the coordinates furnished …

07/06/2014 – Licola (Na) Read More »

27/06/2014 – Mede (Pv)

Thieves broke into an apartment where they found the keys of the car and stole these. The Viasat Operations Centre was alerted of the theft of the vehicle during the night. The operator immediately located the Mercedes Daimler Benz and notified its position to the Police; the vehicle was relocated shortly afterwards in the position …

27/06/2014 – Mede (Pv) Read More »

21/06/2014 – Marano (Na)

The client contacted the Operations Centre to report the theft of a Ford Focus parked at Marano in Via Tagliamento. The operator of the Viasat Operations Centre contacted the Police, informing them of the updated position of the vehicle. The vehicle was traced half an hour later at Calvizzano (NA) at the coordinates we indicated.

14/06/2014 – Palermo

The client contacted the Operations Centre to report the theft of the vehicle, a Chevrolet Matiz, outside his home in Palermo. The vehicle was immediately located by the operator of the Operations Centre who furnished its position to the Police which found the vehicle in the place indicated.

04/06/2014 – Messina

The client contacted the Operations Centre to report the theft of his SUZUKI ALTO parked the previous evening outside his home. The operator immediately contacted the Police, furnishing the position of the car. The vehicle was found at the coordinates indicated.

17/06/2014 – Molfetta (Ba)

Fourteen cars parked during the night in a security-monitored garage were stolen. These included the Ford Fiesta Ghia of our client who had left the keys inside the vehicle. After alerting the Operations Centre, the operator located the vehicle, informing the Carabinieri of its location. The vehicle was found shortly afterwards.

10/06/2014 – Avellino

The Operations Centre was contacted by an employee of a company customer of the Viasat Fleet solution who notified the operator that the vehicle should have been in Bari while the Viasat web console indicated that it was located at Grottaminarda. The driver, contacted by the Operations Centre, did not answer the mobile phone. The …

10/06/2014 – Avellino Read More »

31/05/2014 – Milan

On activation of the anti-theft alarm of an Audi A3 SPB 2.0, the Viasat Operations Center contacted the client inviting him to check; however, the client was not in the vicinity of the vehicle. The theft was confirmed to the operator after approx. fifteen minutes: the thieves, entering the client’s home, had stolen the keys …

31/05/2014 – Milan Read More »

29/05/2014 – Turin

The Operations Center was notified of the theft of a Fiat Grande Punto, parked in Via Pietro Cossa, thirty minutes after the driver noted that he had inadvertently left the keys in the car. After inviting the client to report the theft, the operator contacted the Carabinieri to notify the position of the vehicle. In …

29/05/2014 – Turin Read More »

28/05/2014 – Catania

A moment’s distraction can be fatal as in the case of our client of Catania whose Lancia Ypsilon was stolen while she was watching from the balcony; she had left the keys in the car. The Viasat Operations Center localized the vehicle, informing the Police who traced it immediately.