

What happens if my car is stolen and taken to a foreign country? This is a common question among Viasat customers when their car or motorbike is stolen. In this article we explain, with a real example, how Viasat coordinates its international car or motorbike recoveries. On 10 May 2021, a Viasat Telematics’s customer had …


An international recovery 

1.What happens if my car is stolen and taken to a foreign country? This is a common question among Viasat customers when their car or motorbike is stolen. In this article, we explain, with a real example, how Viasat coordinates its international car or motorbike recoveries. On 10 May 2021, a Viasat Telematics’s customer had …

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How to Remotely and Automatically Download the DDD Files From a Tachograph

According to the European Regulation ЕО 561/2006, transport companies has a duty to download the data from truck tachographs. The deadline for their downloading is 90 days for data from the Tachograph memory and 28 days for driver data. This data, which is known as DDD files contains information, through which monitoring and control of …

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Automatically Generate Trail sheets for a Corporate Fleet

Trail sheetс are used for accountability to institutions and in-house vehicle control. Generally, trail sheets can be generated in two ways: 1 / Manually by the driver 2 / Automatically via software, using a GPS Tracking System for Vehicle Control. Undoubtedly, everyone has a convincing argument for manual or automatic generation of route sheets, but in terms of time …

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