Viasat among the 800 Corriere della Sera Champions

Considered individually, these are small and medium-sized companies, but they have grown so much in the six years of financial statements analysed for the Corriere della Sera Economy insert by the ItalyPost Research Department.

“The 800 Champions companies that have earned the title for their growth rates, profitability and financial strength analyzed until 2018. Then came the Coronavirus, so 2020 is still anyone’s guess. But the Champions did not sit back and wait: ‘let’s get moving in the meantime’. They were able to do so, assuring that together with the management of the emergency they would not stop for a single day to prepare ‘the restart that sooner or later will come, because they have another certainty: the solidity of their balance sheets”.

Viasat is among them, a recognition that rewards the effort of the whole Group in a very difficult year due to the global pandemic. In Viasat we have been planning the evolution of project, production and development activities for some time now, triggering all the Group’s creative capacity. This dramatic experience has highlighted many weaknesses but has also shown how science, technology and sustainability, in their widest sense, are essential paths to our future.

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