How To Find Out Who Was Driving a Corporate Vehicle When it Received a Speeding Ticket?

Speeding tickets are issued to the owner of a vehicle or in the case of a corporate vehicle – to the owner of the company. It is in no way pleasant to have tickets and fines pinned on you for the mistakes of your drivers. It is even more unpleasant to not be able to prove who has been driving the vehicle at the time of the violation. Especially when a vehicle is regularly driven by various drivers and you get notified about a violation weeks or months after the event and you have no way of establishing who the offender was. 

From the introduction you probably already know that first and foremost you need a 

GPS tracking device with driver identification 

A GPS tracking device without Driver ID will not get the job done for you, because you have no way of knowing who the vehicle’s driver is at any given time. The Driver identification module is an additional hardware component which identifies the driver (called ‘checking in’) via an ID card that the driver posseses – using an RFID card or iButton. 

Every driver has an ID card or iButton, thorugh which he checks into the vehicle. In this way, you always have information as to who is driving the vehicle.

глоба за превишена скорост при служебен автомобил с GPS Viasat Technology

Driver identification is not necessary only when a vehicle is being driven by a single driver. 


How to find out who has been driving  the corporate vehicle once you receive a ticket and already have a GPS tracking system with driver identificaiton installed? 

There are several options:

Regular GPS tracking of the vehicle and its velocity at the specific day and time. 


Look at a report generated by the software, which shows unambiguously the sought after information – driver, velocity, location, direction of movement and license number of the vehicle. 

глоба за превишена скорост при служебен автомобил с GPS Viasat Technology

A report for the specific period and vehicle 


With one of the most commonly used report types, you can quickly ascertain the maximum velocity on a given path travelled by the vehicle. 


Reports for speeding violations

With the help of Viasat Technology’s own GPS tracking device with a Driver ID module for violations, you’ll always be informed for speeding violations by every driver. Here is an example from our software: глоба за превишена скорост при служебен автомобил с GPS Viasat Technology


What is Viasat Driver Manager and how can it help you solve the problem of speeding fines?

Viasat Driver Manager is a solution that provides information on which car was driven by which driver at a particular time or period. In this way, liability is easily identified in the event of a speeding fine from a camera or an accident. In addition, a distinction can be made between personal and business use, as well as authorizing drivers to access only certain vehicles. It is possible to use the company cards of the employees for identification in the car.


Viasat Technology is part of the Viasat Group. If you have questions to us or want to know the prices, call us at 0700 1 49 49 or send an inquiry for an offer in the form below.