How to Remotely and Automatically Download the DDD Files From a Tachograph

According to the European Regulation ЕО 561/2006, transport companies has a duty to download the data from truck tachographs. The deadline for their downloading is 90 days for data from the Tachograph memory and 28 days for driver data. This data, which is known as DDD files contains information, through which monitoring and control of the driver and vehicle are carried out.

With good organisation it is possible for the DDD files to be downloaded manually from every truck, but you’ve probably realised that this would be much easier if it could happen remotely without having to go to the truck itsself. You also save time and gain greater control over the amount of work being done. By adding automation to the package, so that every 7 days the data is delivered to you, you will be calm that you are not violating any laws in case the regulatory organs decide to visit you. 

How can you remotely download the data off of a truck tachogrpah? 

The data from the tachograph can be downloaded via the GPS system of Viasat Group – Fleet Solution, which has a special software module “Tachograph”. This module allows all DDD files to be transferred from the memory of the tachograph every 7  days. 


In the software module Tachograph are housed all the automatically and remotely downloaded DDD files. These are sorted by date, driver and vehicle. For greater security and comfort, these are kept on a server for up to two years. You can download them to a local device whenever you want within this period. 


What are the advantages of the remote download of the tachograph data: 


  1. You save time by not having to deal with downloading the data from each truck manually. 
  2. You automate a routine task which simplifies your day-to-day life. 
  3. You are in keeping with the European regulation ЕО 561/2006 and in this way you guarantee that no fines and sanctions will be accumulated due to infringement of this law. 
  4. You know in each moment which trucks’ data has been downloaded and which’s not. Respectively you have more control and security knowing that the DDD files have been downloaded within the allotted time frame. 
  5. You have online information about the validity of driver and company cards. 
  6. You reduce costs by not having to recall the trucks back to the country or the garage in order to download the data manually. 

What do you need in order to be able to make use of the remote tachograph data download capability of our software? 

Contact us for more informaiton or a demo.