Press Releases

Viasat technological partner of Alphabet Italia 

Viasat, European excellence in satellite IoT security systems, and Alphabet Italia Fleet Management, the BMW Group’s mobility services provider, have signed a partnership agreement to offer a fleet management solution with a particular focus on the control of the activities, service status, maintenance and assistance of each vehicle.

Private ECALL: VIASAT – Pioneering safety with the help of automatic emergency calls in case of accident

The renewal of the agreement between AREU (Agenzia Regionale Emergenza Urgenza, Regional Emergency Agency) and TSP Association, a member organization of Confindustria Digitale, of which Viasat Group is one of the founders. The agreement regulates the access to the emergency call services provided by the Single Response Center NUE 112 by Third Party Service Providers …

Private ECALL: VIASAT – Pioneering safety with the help of automatic emergency calls in case of accident Read More »

Viasat Focuses On Greentech

The Viasat Group continues its growth process, Anthea and Datamove flow into the Viasat BU Fleet & Waste Management.

"ViasatWoods" is born in  MADAGASCAR

150,000 trees will be planted by Viasat Group in Madagascar over the next three years (2020-2022). An initiative that is part of the Group’s overall sustainability project, extensively illustrated in our annual Social Report.

Viasat at Ecomondo 2019

From 5 to 8 November, the Rimini exhibition center will host Ecomondo, the European reference event for the circular and green economy. For the Viasat Group, this area represents a great opportunity to be recognized as a reference point in the market