Vem Solutions – Viasat & YouTrend – Phase 2: mobility analysis

The study carried out by Vem Solutions, a company of the Viasat Group, in collaboration with YouTrend, allows us to reconstruct in detail the volume of journeys in the various regions of private and commercial vehicles (light and heavy).

As reported by Il Sole 24 Ore “According to the VEM Solutions-Viasat data, in the week between 16 and 22 March the average number of cars in circulation was equal to 14.3 million per day, again dropped to 13.6 million in the first week of April. A 51% slump compared to February.

In the first week of phase 2, from 4 to 10 May, the restart trend is clear: the number of cars circulating per day rose to 20.8 million, an increase of 53%.

We are not yet at pre-quarantine levels, but essentially halfway between the normal volumes at the beginning of the year and those recorded in the midst of the lockdown. “

The analysis also focuses on an interesting comparison by region. “Let’s put the number of vehicles circulating daily in January in each Italian region equal to 100: this allows us to measure the variations of the following months using the first month of 2020 as a touchstone, in which the circulation of cars was not yet limited by anti-Coronavirus measures “reports the site “In March, the number of private cars in circulation in our country has drastically decreased in all regions compared to January: the most marked decrease compared to the first month of the year was recorded in Trentino Alto-Adige (-60%), and immediately behind in Molise (-51%) and in Lombardy (-50%).

In April, the drop became even more intense in all regions, with a peak of -78% compared to January in Trentino-Alto Adige.

In May, however, with the start of phase 2, there was a generalized recovery in car travel: despite this, in no region did more than 2 out of 3 private cars circulate compared to those traveling in January. Furthermore, from 4 to 10 May the number of cars in circulation every day reached at least 60% of the January figure only in the southern regions, demonstrating how Coronavirus has impacted the South and the Islands to a lesser extent “.

Here the complete article of Il Sole 24 Ore and here that of

In addition, the study was presented under the heading “The numbers of the pandemic” broadcast on Friday 15 May on Sky TG24.