By Nicodemo Magliocca, Operations Manager VIASAT

The European network of Viasat Operations Center is the flagship of an organization that operates under the same method and procedures in all Europe’s countries. In Italy, Viasat Group provides assistance, protection and safety services through its two Operations Centres, which are based in Turin and Rome. 150 operators work 24/7 together with special security Guards (GPGs) in our outsourced centre. In addition, the network of our subsidiaries in Romania (Bucharest), Poland (Warsaw), Spain (Madrid), UK (London), Belgium (Brussels), France (Montauban) and Bulgaria (Sofia) ensure operational synergy and pan-European coverage. At the beginning of 2021 – thanks to the effort of our Portuguese colleagues – we will be able to launch a security Operations Centre in Lisbon that will allow us to offer Viasat services throughout the Iberian Peninsula. The direct management of telematic and assistance service ensures high levels of quality, in terms of reaction times to alarm signals and security systems with disaster-recovery plans. Methods, tools, procedures and people are the real added value of our organization. Our ESVR (European stole vehicle recovery) tool facilitates communication processes between our Operations Centres, so that colleagues from other countries can exchange useful and indispensable information to help goods and vehicles recovery. The greatest benefit results in intervention time: once the theft has been detected, the local Centre readily takes action. The goal is to achieve a global governance acting locally to take results in terms of customer satisfaction. During 2020, Viasat’s Operations have launched an ambitious project to share installation networks. Operators could exchange technical and technological information with the purpose of improving installation skills and knowledge in order to introduce all our installers to a professional training course that will make them capable of assembling sophisticated devices anywhere in Europe.