By Claudio Colucci, CEO Tecno Accise

The Covid-19 pandemic is an historic event that changed our lives, our habits and the world economy. And, not only that: in a couple of months, the weaknesses of the entire Italian industrial ecosystem have tragically emerged. For instance, we found out that most companies ignored the advantages of remote monitoring systems, so that, forced by lockdown inconvenience that made reaching their offices impossible, they took interest to the subject. The recovery process has therefore encouraged the use of technologies to quickly and safely access to business files and servers remotely. This scenario has always been interesting for those who have always worked in technology and Tecno Accise was ready. In these difficult months, we have decided to dedicate to our clients with further commitment. We realized that they needed to rely on accessible control systems; they needed to go through this new process counting on new landmarks. This was the change that our business enterprises were waiting for and we are glad to be leaders in our field. Companies that used to rely on obsolete methods have finally decided to approach digital and ensure fast, reliable, remote and real time data access. For instance, the diesel control systems for tanks / company vehicles is frequently requested: Tecno Accise, Fuel and LevelUP team have developed technologies to ensure remote data access, from the comfort of your home and from any device (PC, tablet, or smartphone) through our dedicated applications. Fuel and LevelUP give access to a complete, innovative, simple and safe integrated ecosystem (hardware and software) for the management of company tanks. Easy to adapt to any type of tank, they are made to deliver accurate, fast and real time data and notify tank volume, dispensing, level changes, overflow and potential theft, even off-hour time. In contrast to our competitors, Fuel and LevelUP provide a free app to monitor fuel flows, tanker activities and consult historical reports to improve your business management.