Street truck, a tool to safeguard legality


Viasat, specialized in hardware, road safety and traffic solutions, presents the cutting-edge suite for safeguarding and protecting both our territory and citizens. This innovative solution includes: Street Control, for safe and smart management of fines and penalties, Street Parking, dedicated to hourly-charged parking areas and smart city mobility and, finally, Street Truck. This new, innovative wireless product allows the Police and law enforcement to download, read and check data from a chronograph to a tablet / pc and have an immediate and readable report of all the infractions to the Street Code and regulations, details about breached articles and paragraphs, a description of the infringement and fine amount, as well as facilitating and automating the compilation of minutes. Moreover, it ensures access to information database about insurance, possible theft, technical car inspection, etc. Street Truck protects citizens from the illegal circulation of heavy trucks and outlawed commercial vehicles circulating in Italy and guarantees respect to Street Code provisions and safety of all road users.