After various procedures and laboratory tests, certification from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for Sherlock by Viasat was obtained. It is a key passport and indicator that promotes the free circulation of the product and allows customers to be sure of good quality. It is now available throughout the US market, as well as in Europe.
Sherlock offers an anti-theft solution that helps cyclists to combat the phenomenon of bicycle theft, making it easier to find stolen vehicles. This solution consists of the combination of an electronic device and a service usable through an App on a smartphone. The electronic device is designed to be installed inside the bike handlebar, and is equipped with a GPS module for localization, Internet connectivity and Bluetooth Low Energy. The strong point is the flexible and “invisible” design: once installed it is completely camouflaged and undetectable from the outside. Moreover, thanks to the association between user, device and bicycle, the latter can be uniquely identified and the cyclist can demonstrate and claim ownership at any time.