The Toolkit on PAYT (Pay as you throw) will be experimented in Tuscany. President Masi signed in Brussels, during Green Week, the agreement protocol with the Partnership on the Circular Economy of Urban Agenda for EU, Ato and Operate.
The important agreement was presented in Siena on 25th of June, at the auditorium of the House of the Environment, where the memorandum of understanding signed in Brussels by the coordinator of “Urban Agenda for the circular economy was illustrated “Håkon Jentoft, from the president of Sei Toscana Leonardo Masi and from Luca Moretti and Gianni Barzaghi representing Operate, the National Observatory for Environment Measurement and Waste Rate, which provided support and collaboration to the partnership for the development of the Toolkit and offers services to the European Union subjects interested in the implementation of point pricing systems (Payt).