TPS Association – an organization belonging to Confindustria Digitale, which brings together the main Telematics Service Providershas put in place significant technological and operational efforts over the last three years: the “Private eCall” experiment has succeeded beyond the best expectations. The recent conclusion of the experimental phase of the project aimed at testing new alert functions to ensure prompt medical assistance to motorists involved in road accidents. The initiative began in May 2017, anticipating the arrival of European eCall, a system that has become mandatory since April the 1st, 2018 on new car models but will actually arrive on the market in the upcoming years. The positive outcome of this first phase has laid the basis for the renewal of the agreement – which has also been extended to Viasat – with AREU (Regional Emergency Agency); its terms will regulate the access to emergency call services provided by Single Emergency Number 112 from “Third Party Service Providers” (TPSP). AREU –together with MiSE- will therefore allow the TPSP emergency medical intervention request to be routed to the closest Public Safety Answer Points in very short times. This means that vehicles equipped with Black Box devices could also have access to similar services; the alert transmission would be sent to TPSP Operation Center in case of emergency and could also be manually activated through the emergency button. An emergency call service that Viasat has been offering for several years with insurance black boxes and satellite alarms. In case of collision, the on-board device (especially windscreen devices equipped with sosCall functions) would immediately send an automatic alert to Viasat 24/7 Operations Centre, which is capable of establishing speakerphone communication with drivers to monitor the situation and send prompt help in case of need. ‘Private eCall’ system, which combines IoT with GPS electronic technologies, could have a high social impact and places Viasat at the forefront in the services industry with the help of automotive telematics technologies.