
03/07/2014 – Naples

The Campania in 2013 is on top of the “podium” as the Italian region most at risk with its 20,828 car thefts per year and Naples, with 15,658 thefts, stokes by itself most of crimes and represents one of the hunting-grounds favorite by car mice. The satellite technology is the only way to be able …

03/07/2014 – Naples Read More »

09/07/2014 – Milan

The low-powered cars are the most stolen in Italy. Are sought after to make temporary use (for robbery, illegal transportation, traffic spare parts) and then are also the most easily recoverable once commit the crime. The question changes for high-powered cars that, if not properly protected with satellite devices, take the road of concealment, of …

09/07/2014 – Milan Read More »

10/07/2014 – Catania

In the ranking of the vehicles most stolen in Italy, the small of Fiat house (Panda, Punto, 500, Uno) are the most sought after on the market and the most stolen. Also in Viasat Center arrive many reports of thefts of low-powered cars, this means that today put a satellite on the cars not only …

10/07/2014 – Catania Read More »

24/07/2014 – Domicella (AV)

The statistical data confirm and ensure the effectiveness of the Viasat devices satellite: in case of theft if they recover 82% compared to 41% of the national average. But the technology is also important to prevent the crime, not only for "remedy". This is the case happened in late July in Avellino when the alarm …

24/07/2014 – Domicella (AV) Read More »

16/06/2014 – Rome

The emergency alarms of Viasat devices are designed to immediately activate the Viasat Operations Centre which is able to locate the precise position of the event and to provide prompt assistance, help or any other type of service required. This is what happened to a Viasat client of Rome whose car, parked outside his home, …

16/06/2014 – Rome Read More »

30/06/2014 – Ostia (Rome)

The Operations Centre was notified of the theft of a Fiat 1.1. Cat Sporting, parked two days earlier. The operator of the Operations Centre, through the satellite localisation service, traced the moving vehicle and got in touch with the Police, which were constantly updated regarding movements of the vehicle. The flying squad intercepted and stopped …

30/06/2014 – Ostia (Rome) Read More »

24/06/2014 – Quercerta (Lucca)

The theft of the car was notified by the Police. During the night, the client’s apartment had been burgled also stealing the keys of the car and vehicle which was located by the operator of the Operations Centre who notified its position to the Police. The vehicle was found after around half an hour in …

24/06/2014 – Quercerta (Lucca) Read More »