
Bond Street Awards: Viasat Group awarded in London as an Italian excellence

On 7 December, in London, at the Amba Hotel Marble Arch, the Bond Street Awards celebrated the finest entrepreneurial initiatives. The awards are dedicated to international companies, entrepreneurs and managers, whose business culture lives up to the highest ethical and professional standards, and who have distinguished themselves for their intuition and their management, development, innovation …

Bond Street Awards: Viasat Group awarded in London as an Italian excellence Read More »

ECOMONDO 2017: VIASAT presents the latest developments of the SIUNET platform

Viasat – European leader in the field of satellite systems integrated with modern telematics and IoT technologies  – will be at the Ecomondo 2017 exhibition in Rimini, from Tuesday 7th to Friday 10th November (Hall C7, Stand no. 32) to showcase all the new features of the SIUNET software platform, which is being offered with …

ECOMONDO 2017: VIASAT presents the latest developments of the SIUNET platform Read More »

VIASAT AND NEXIVE: a partnership based on efficiency and safety

Viasat, an Italian company which is leader in Europe in the field of IoT satellite security systems, and Nexive, the leading private operator in the national delivery market, announce the start of a new partnership aimed at improving security and efficiency in the delivery sector. Press Release

A week of events for Viasat

Viasat has been one of the protagonist of  the Automotive Forum Event held in Milan: ” The automotive heart beats Italy.” An event that is a forum of ideas and debates, but also a reference point for the sector and all the passionates. The journalists Pierluigi Bonora and Beppe Gioia conducted a talk show. …

A week of events for Viasat Read More »

In Viasat Meeting of the Confindustria Technical Group on Transport and Logistics

Today, Viasat hosts an important meeting of the Confederation of Shipping, Logistics and Sea Economy (GTLTEM) – chaired by Guido Ottolenghi, President of Confindustria Ravenna – which includes among its members  Domenico Petrone President of Viasat Group. The goal of the Technical Group is to create a table of logistics and mobility, involving the best …

In Viasat Meeting of the Confindustria Technical Group on Transport and Logistics Read More »

After almost three years, the legislative decree on competition finally becomes law

894 days have passed since the   Council of Ministers (February 20, 2015), presented the first draft law of the year for market and competition, complying with an obligation introduced in 2009 (Law no. 99 of July 23, 2009) which had not been complied with until then. The law had been submitted to the Chamber of Deputies ion April …

After almost three years, the legislative decree on competition finally becomes law Read More »

Viasat Group acquired EuroGPS

Viasat Group announces EuroGPS’ acqusition, leader in Bulgaria, Macedonia and Serbia for electronic systems, software platforms, services and Big Data market similar to Viasat Group’s. EuroGPS will be re-branded to Viasat Technology and both companies will benefit from shared know-how and important synergies in innovation, development and production that will concern to the entire Group.