
Black box? We need a boost

By Oscar Foti, Auto Technical Directorate AMISSIMA ASSICURAZIONI Black boxes seem to run out of innovation. Today, it seems that they only represent an incentive to obtain insurance discounts and the latest Government provisions had the result of discouraging the use of such devices. However, telematic solutions could offer a variety of useful and interesting …

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Keep it simple

By Davide Devietti Goggia, Direzione Auto REALE MUTUA Italy can boast a number of connected cars since black boxes have been providing the solution to the issue of thefts and insurance frauds. It is now necessary to add value to interconnected services, even if telematics is still perceived as a mere cost-saving, additional service by …

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It’s not just a matter of price

By Carlo Alberto Minasi, Head of innovation – Area financial services ERNST & YOUNG The creation of an innovative insurance solution requires to switch from the logic of discount application to an added value mindset. The ability of a company to propose increasingly customized services to its clients, with the help of advanced tools such …

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We ensure your protection

By Velerio Gridelli, CEO Viasat S.p.A. Today, telematics plays a central role in the insurance market but it is still connected to the mere advantages in terms of discounts and anti-fraud measures which represent a great interest for Companies. The opportunities offered by those useful and value-added services that these technologies could provide for policyholders …

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A world of data

By Massimo Getto, Vice President & CFO VIASAT GROUP and Marco Laugero, Controller AFC VIASAT GROUP Data – and its use – represent a key factor for the economical development of the upcoming years. The amount of data acquired and stored by the different organizations is growing exponentially and their capability to turn them into …

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