

It is a time for choices for freight transport companies. It is a crucial moment, in which indecisions could result in being crushed by competitors. Last year, technological and info-telematic penetration rate has been estimated at about 20%; at the end of 2021, 1 vehicle out of 3 will be satellite and telematic-connected. Despite Covid-19 …


Emixis becomes Viasat Connect

As of 1 January 2021, Emixis has become Viasat Connect Belgium. Viasat Connect Belgium, formerly Emixis, is a Belgian leader in the field of telematics, fleet management, mobile personnel tracking and IoT. Viasat Connect Belgium, Europe’s number 3 in telematics, is part of the Viasat Group, with over 700,000 connected vehicles. Our brands include Securysat …

Emixis becomes Viasat Connect Read More »

Special Construction Edition

Make life easier for yourself as an entrepreneur! In the construction sector, the majority of staff work on a mobile basis. For this reason, administrative management is much more complicated. It is not easy to determine the time spent by workers on the sites, the amount of mobility and travel bonuses, the duration of services, …

Special Construction Edition Read More »

Mission accomplished? Inform your customers correctly!

Whatever your sector… you are more and more required to certify the good execution of your services or interventions. Technology is your main ally! Meeting deadlines; respecting work orders; ensuring quality; guaranteeing transparency; complying with regulatory obligations; etc. The need for reliable and immediate information is growing. It’s hard to prove that you’re doing the …

Mission accomplished? Inform your customers correctly! Read More »

Three options for an easy and efficient on-the-job time tracking

The construction industry is fiercely competitive. Staying competitive requires, among other things, digital management of your workers’ attendance and social security declarations!  Control your costs and increase your profitability? This is a key objective for companies in the construction industry! This requires well-oiled processes and a flawless organization. But how can you do this if …

Three options for an easy and efficient on-the-job time tracking Read More »


Daily-use devices generate a wide variety of data deriving from sensors, maps, infrastructures and thermostats to ensure smart, efficient and safe management of goods, resources and services (e.g. smart city applications such as road safety, smart parking, urban maintenance and circular economy). Viasat products and solutions aim at contributing to a revolution that will hand …