In Italy, 2022 saw a strong acceleration in vehicle thefts with a growth of 19% compared to the previous year and almost 90 thousand vehicles stolen. An increase which, as reported by the Viasat 2023 Observatory, has not been seen for many years. The increase in criminal actions has not spared any category of vehicles: from the smallest cars, small cars, to the most expensive, high-end ones. This situation is further aggravated by the percentage of discoveries which, although rising, remains very low: 41%.
Satellite technology in contrast
If the complaint and the related investigation are initiated late and the vehicle does not have adequate localization technology, recovery rates are drastically reduced. It is therefore necessary to protect yourself by equipping yourself with hi-tech devices capable of guaranteeing greater chances of detecting and recovering the car after theft. And those of Viasat (now part of Targa Telematics), thanks to the activity of the 24-hour Operations Centres, allows a significantly higher percentage of findings than the national figure. They also represent an effective counter to thefts carried out with the aid of jammers (electronic instruments for jamming the GSM and GPS signal), allowing the signal jamming to be intercepted, blocking the vehicle, and activating all the intervention procedures of the Police Forces. Order.
From the Viasat Operations Center
Managing an emergency means implementing a whole series of actions aimed at containing damage to people or things and bringing the situation back to normal conditions as quickly as possible. In the month of September alone, Viasat contributed to the recovery of many cars in different parts of Italy. This is the case of a Fiat 500, stolen in a car park in Naples and found a few hours after the Operations Center was alerted. Or of a Giulietta stolen in Rome and found by the police exactly in the place indicated by the dispatcher. Or even that of a Jeep Compass stolen at 11.30 a.m., the time in which the Customer contacted the Center and returned to the rightful owner at 2 p.m. Today, car theft is a business that involves real organized gangs, criminal professionals ready for anything and highly specialized. Cyber thieves need less than 30 seconds to make a car disappear. It is therefore essential to combine the action of the police with technologically advanced devices capable of defending the car from theft and, if this occurs, facilitating its recovery.