By Silvia Camillo, ASSIMOCO Protection Technical Area
The use of technologies and sophisticated devices on a daily base, as well as the confidence with Internet and apps of the majority of population has encouraged insurers to offer rates based on individual data and to focus on drivers’ safety and service maximisation. The Assimoco Group, which has always put innovation and technology at the centre of its business, has developed and launched its new product –AutoService Box- in collaboration with Viasat. Our car insurance offers the most advanced services for policyholders and vehicle users safety with a simple Black Box device installed in the car through a user-friendly smartphone app. Our solution has been tailor-made on our clients’ needs in terms of protection and safety. And not only. In order to meet families’ safety needs and in anticipation of the law provision on anti-abandon equipped child seats we developed a solution to prevent the tragedy of forgetting children and toddlers inside the vehicle. “Babies on board” is one of the functions of the app of our AutoService Box clients: when active, this technology sends immediate notification to check for possible presence of children in the car every time the electrical panel has been switched off for more than two minutes and a half. “Babies on board” has received a special mention in the context of MF Innovation Award and ranked second among car insurance apps according to a recent classification of the Financial Observatory. Connectivity opens up a world of opportunities for Companies and the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data encourage us to develop and offer solutions that are based on our clients’ real needs and expectations. Short, medium, and long-term absolute requirements of safety for all family members represent a priority to our Group and we strive to customize our offers on the basis of this factor.