7 Myths About GPS Tracking Systems

The most common arguments against the implementation of GPS tracking devices are based on seemingly logical arguments, but the experience of GPS tracking system users tells a very different story. 

  1. We don’t need a GPS tracking system because we trust our personnel

GPS tracking isn’t just about monitoring your corporate fleet. The main function of a GPS tracking system is to reduce operating costs and shine light on  inefficient practices, which one isn’t aware of due to lack of information. GPS tracking systems have long been recognised as a means of reducing fuel consumption and maintenance expenses while at the same time, the effectiveness of the routes and dispatcher centres is increased multiple times, leading to a higher level of safety and security for the drivers, and faster, more precise responses to customer questions. 

  1. All drivers will quit if we introduce GPS tracking

Our experience with thousands of customers is contrary to this claim. Once they get to know the system, drivers begin to depend on it for security and proving that a task has been  carried out in a timely manner. In most cases GPS tracking eliminates the time-consuming adminsitrative work and brings extra security on the road for the driver himself, the car as well as the cargo being transported. 


  1. GPS tracking systems are complicated to install and use. 

Most GPS tracking systems for tracking corporate fleets are composed of the same components: GPS receiver in every vehicle and a user interface, which visualises the gathered information. The isntallation, as well as the use of the software would hardly pose a challenge to anyone. Specialists from the selected company deliver and install all the necessary GPS/GPRS equipment in the vehicles. Training on how to use the software is provided for the fleet manager as well as other employees resonsible for the GPS system. 

  1. GPS tracking is unnecessary. 

„I can track my fleet well enough using a phone or tablet and free apps” 

Unfortunately such communication methods can’t provide the encessary information for a fleet manager or finance mananger, for example: the real time position of the vehicle, the condition of the engine, history and duration of breaks, current velocity, fuel consumption, models of speed limit surpassing and many other valuable metrics. Phones and tablets can easily be turned off or accidentally damaged. 

A tablet can’t efficiently track trucks, because more often than not the drivers turn off the devices preventing them from providing any information.

  1.  All GPS tracking systems are exactly the same. 

„If the system can provide me with information about where my vehicles are and what they are doing, that’s enough for me.“ Such a request sounds reasonable enough at first, but the potential for increased business efficiency through the use of a GPS system goes beyond tracking dots on a map. Most users of GPS tracking system users realise its full potential after they’ve already  implemented it. 

Plenty of GPS service providers measure just basic parameters and don’t help their uers to use the system to their advantage. When choosing a GPS tracking system provider, pay attention to how much the provider is insterested in the specifics of your business, the specific goals and challenges which need to be dealt with through the implementation of a GPS system. 

This myth does, however, involve a certain amount of truth when talking about GPS technology. The technology should, nevertheless, not be the guiding criteria when selecting a provider of such services. Experienced users know that the attitude of the GPS tracking service provider is the most valuable part of the product. 

If you’ve acquired a GPS system, but you aren’t satisfied with how the provider is handling the support and maintenance and you’re  often forced to take care of it on your own, maybe it’s time for a new, more reliable partner. 

6.My company can’t afford a GPS tracking system

Price is an understandable worry. GPS tracking systems usually require an investment in both a hardware device for every vehicle as well as a montly expenditure for software communication and maintenance of the service. This however is a quick-return investment. Such systems identify the inefficient, unprofitable practices, which cost companies hundreds if not thousands of dollars every month: unnecessary mileage, inefficient routes, personal usage, unnecessary work of the engine while standing still, reckless driving etc. By implementing a GPS system, companies manage to return their investment within the first few months, by adressing the unnecessary fuel consumption during transport as well as when the vehicle is standing still. 

  1. GPS tracking systems are an unproven technology 

GPS technology (the ability to locate an object in real time using satellites and a wireless connection) has actually been used efficiently for decades. The main technology is widely available on the consumer market through popular brands such as TomTom and Garmin.