On receiving an alarm from a BluBox device at the Viasat Operations Centre, the operator contacted the client who confirmed that he had crashed into a guardrail with his Ford Fiesta, also suffering injuries. The Police Force was alerted immediately and, according to the location indicated by the Operator, reached the scene of the accident, subsequently calling the 118 emergency service to transport the client to hospital. Following a request by the Highway Police to our Viasat Operations Centre, roadside assistance was dispatched immediately.
More than 16% of requests for assistance are sent following road accidents. Prompt medical attention is decisive in the so-called "Golden Hour", i.e. the time period following traumatic injury during which there is the highest likelihood that prompt medical treatment within one hour will improve chances of survival. Therefore, response and reaction times to the call must be fast and precise, hence the importance of the satellite telematics services in saving lives.