The Carabinieri of Naples contacted the Viasat Operations Centre to notify that thieves had forced a Client to get out of his car (a Ford Fiesta Ghia) subsequently stealing this. The operator located the vehicle with the aid of Viasat telematic localisation systems indicating its precise position to the Police which, intervening immediately, found the vehicle in a road in the suburbs.
With a record 20,828 cars stolen/year (22,350 in 2012), Campania has regained its position at the top of the “podium” as the Region with the highest risk, followed by Lazio (top of the list in 2012) with 19,863 and Sicily with 16,936.
Analysing the data by Province, Naples alone, with 15,658 thefts, fuels most of the crimes and is one of the favourite hunting grounds of car thieves followed by Salerno (2,394 thefts), Caserta (2,269), Avellino (295) and Benevento (212).