Rest assured, Viasat is here

The most important thing in the event of a vehicle theft is to act quickly and to rely on dedicated professionals to track, locate and retrieve the vehicle, wherever it is. When a car – but also a van or a truck – gets stolen, scenarios may vary. It is possible that thieves will try to get it out of the Country as soon as they can, or that vehicles will be used to commit other crimes, such as drug transport or break-in. It is also common that it will be dismantled to sell the parts separately.  In order to find it, therefore, it is necessary to know its exact position and trace its movements.

Viasat Operations Centers European Network deals with this each day and represents the milestone of all assistance, protection and safety services of the Group. Headquarters are based in the main countries of the old continent: two in Italy (Rome and Turin) and others in Bucharest (Romania), Brussels (Belgium), Madrid (Spain), Montauban (France), Warsaw (Poland), Sofia (Bulgaria), London (UK), Lisbon (Portugal) and last year’s new entry in Stuttgart (Germany).

Thanks to their interconnection, operations are managed beyond national borders and makes us capable of quickly handling thousands of events to the best of our ability. For us, it is an excellent result we are really proud of.

Nicodemo Magliocca, Responsible Operations Viasat Group

From Guida alla Sicurezza by Viasat Group 2022 >