By Fabio Bianco,
ViasatLine International Business Developer VEM SOLUTIONS

Our ViasatLine platform is managed internally by Vem Solutions’ research and development team. On one hand, it maximizes and integrates the activities of our Group and, on the other, it connects third-party devices to collect and manage a huge amount of data. More specifically, it acts as a software intermediary (middleware), between Viasat Group different platforms. ViasatLine can receive information (real time raw data, alarms, etc.), coming from on-board satellite devices and allows transmission through different types of communication modes, using mobile network connectivity. Viasat Group devices can be used together with all interconnected platforms and process data and information, developing value-added services for Fleet, InsurTech, Smart Connect and Big Data monetization. Raw data – information acquired by on – board devices and received by the Operation Centers and Application Platforms, developed and operated by Viasat Group and various SBUs- is, then, processed on the basis of proprietary algorithms, anonymized and integrated with other information / data acquired by other sources, in a platform functionally dedicated to Big Data services. The purpose is to create a reliable and statistically significant database, with the aim of providing Big Data data analysis services (e.g. predictive information on the potential road georeferenced risk, Tachograph data analysis to optimize the activity of drivers and travel planning, etc.), as well as for the purpose of marketing data flows (data monetization).