By Pietro Gori Business and Tourism Area Director NOBIS ASSICURAZIONI
Internet of Things, Big Data, sharing economy and artificial intelligence. We are now entering a phase in which it is crucial to master a whole series of new technologies capable of offering tailor-made customers experiences and fulfill new demands. However, experience shows that a part of these customers – basically the adult population – frowns on connected cars; new generations seem, on the other hand, to be thrilled with this new opportunity. The market seems to embrace this trend, since the majority of new cars models is now equipped with integrated connecting systems. In this sense, Black Box still play a leading role , by offering security, protection and savings on insurance policies. Nobis only approached to the theme in the last months of 2019. The activity involves the activation of Viasat Black Box devices on the entire automotive network. First – even though partialdata, show general users satisfaction and, positive surprise, a slight reduction of a claims-related costs.