By Bain & Company

Italian companies have immediately recognized the business potential of the Internet of Things, in particular compliance with the motor field. Telematics was initially used in vehicles insurance policies; soon, it has become a key instrument for developing specific business models. IoT and Big Data, in particular, encourage the creation of a three-pillar model: control of claims costs; pricing sophistication; value-added services. A turning point for insurance companies; the challenge, today is to exploit the full potential of the Internet of Things and telematics. Such an approach should evolve in the creation of pricing models that are able to evaluate and take into consideration all the information recorded by the ultimate Black Boxes; data gathering processes should be applied outside of the insurance world. In the automotive sector, data say that 12% of drivers are already sharing driving style information with their insurance company. A further 53% would be enthusiastic about that. There is, therefore, a strong potential. Insurance policies distribution channels are now evolving: 14% of users declare they have already purchased a ‘digital’ policy – vehicles insurance contracts in 86% of cases. Other transformations will take place in the future. New technologies, new procedures and organizational shifts will make the Insurance world faster and flexible. The DNA of companies will, therefore, have to evolve. Digital changes are still in progress and new issues, such as sustainability, will represent an effective test.