By Massimo Getto, Vice President and CFO VIASAT GROUP and Marco Laugero, Controller AFC VIASAT GROUP
To reduce the effects of climate change, the European Union has recently provided 100 billion funds and spread a clear message:
economy, technology and respect for the environment should not be perceived as antagonists any longer but as harmonious
elements coming together in an integrated approach for the growth of our Country. Big cities, with their increasing number
of citizens, are responsible for arising pollution levels as well as a large consumption of energy resources. For this reason, they represent
the heart of the investment for green tech solutions to nurture a sustainable development and a new government and mobility model.
We have been talking about Smart City for years, meant as a set of urban planning strategies capable of optimizing public service, improving
the quality of life of people and companies and ensuring their interconnection with the surrounding environment and infrastructures.
Millions of technological tools -communicating with each other and exchanging data- will make the interconnection possible
and turn into advantageous information for of each of us, in support of better life conditions for the whole population. Green Tech is
a combination of technology and environment with diverse application areas. From monitoring the emissions from circulating vehicles,
plants and household to pay-as-you-throw waste management system –to encourage a more sustainable collection; from the
creation of interactive platforms to provide real time mobility information to citizens, thus limiting the inefficiencies resulting in greater
pollution and waste of time, to improved road safety with tools ensuring prompt law compliance and security intervention in case
of accident. Such a new lifestyle would be not only desirable, but necessary to handle the challenges of a worldwide population that
will grow to 10 billion in 2050 -70% of which living in big cities- and it could only be reached through significant investments in terms
of information and technological education.
This is the main vision of Viasat Group, whose efforts have been focusing on its customers for decades to promote culture, safety and
efficiency. Three essential pillars for the creation of a sustainable society that can create lasting value in the upcoming years and generate
progress for all the actors who will take part in the process.