By Mario Bellotti, Strategic Marketing and Business Development Big Data VIASAT GROUP
There’s no doubt that in recent years the complex relationship between cities and mobility has assumed a central role in national and European strategies in the clear purpose of facing environmental challenges and improving the quality of life. On this subject, PUMS (Piano Urbano di mobilità sostenibile, ‘ Sustainable Mobility Urban Plan’) represents a can’t-miss opportunity. Established by art. 22 of the law n. 340 of 24 November 2000, this strategic plan “develops, in a mediumlong time run (10 years), a vision of urban mobility system, proposing the achievement of environmental, social and economic sustainability goals through the definition of actions aimed at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the mobility system and its integration with urban and territorial development”. Interpreting sudden changes in demand becomes crucial as well as the ongoing assessment of operational choices. Problems partly happen in here, because the implementation of a correct policy of intervention, management and planning of urban transport has clashed in the past with a knowledge of the mobility system in those areas that are often fragmented and incomplete. Today, cities of the digital age can, instead, leverage innovations capable of overcoming difficulties and limits of the past. All this happens as a result of the collection and management of data and information on mobility through on board devices and, thanks to Big Data Analytics, to the ever-increasing capacity and speed of analysis, simulation and interpretation of events. The analysis of data in real time, if properly governed, will make the mobility system increasingly intelligent, sustainable and performing. Administrations that will be able to exploit the opportunities provided by PUMS will have the chance to reinterpret themobility system in the light of a new awareness, evolution and innovation and to re-organize their investments to promote a sustainable, systemic mobility with in a harmonious framework.